Take advantage of discounted Early Registration rates - now thru 3/31/25
The Agenda for the Conference is complete! We are excited to have Dr. Loralei Thornburg, Division Director of Maternal-Fetal Medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center as our Keynote Speaker. Dr. Thornburg is excited to be presenting the new ACOG District II cardiac bundle. This bundle pulls together detailed information, as well as quick use “tools” on the ACOG app providing easy, seamless access to these critical tools to clinicians across our state. The app includes a number of unique tools developed by the cardiac team, with helpful information for providers caring for pregnancy people, including bridging the gap across specialties.
We are also honored to have Dr. Craig Garfield from Northwestern University joining us. He will be speaking on the role of fathers in perinatal care and sharing information on the CDC's pilot study - PRAMS for DADS. He will share information about the origins of this leading-edge public health initiative and how others are using this tool to explore the implications of PRAMS for Dads in their communities, and to how this initiative can be a powerful lever for positive change for fathers, mothers and babies in New York.
These are just 2 of the outstanding topics and speakers at this year's conference. For a copy of the Early Registration & information Brochure, contact Sharon: schesna0415@gmail.com.
AWHONN Pre-conference: NYSPA is also excited to announce that Dr. Susan Hale, the Director of Critical Care Programs at AWHON is joining our NYS trainers to facilitate the OB Patient Safety workshop. As part of her role, Dr. Hale serves as the lead nurse planner for the Obstetric Patient Safety: OB Emergencies Workshop and Critical Care Obstetric Education (CCOE). Her clinical career has been in obstetric and neonatal care. She has completed several professional presentations, co-authored several of the Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines, and has served as an expert contributor and reviewer for multiple AWHONN products. While an AWHONN member, Dr. Hale served as the Chair of Communications for the AWHONN Ohio Section as well as Section Chair; a member of various committees; and Chair of the Membership Committee.
PRE_CONFERENCE - Wed. June 11,2025: To complement the NYSPA conference and continue to build partnerships, this year we are offering 2 full-day trainings plus a “Just for you” evening session. The 8 hour trainings are: AWHONN Obstetric Patient Safety: OB Emergencies Workshop, and Mental Health First Aid. Registration for both all day trainings is separate from NYSPA conference registration, and any attendee of either training can attend the NYSPA conference at a $100 discounted rate. For everyone coming in Wednesday for the NYSPA conference, we are offering an evening pre-con session: More Than Hot Flashes: Navigating the Menopausal Transition. Dr. Ashanda Saint Jean - a highly popular NYSPA conference speaker, will be is presenting this session and will explore the menopausal transition in all its facets. Detailed information on all 3 sessions in included in the Early Registration/Information Brochure.
Posters: We are still accepting proposals from researchers, providers and programs to submit an abstract on their research, evidence-based program or promising practices for poster display during the 2 day conference. Posters will be accepted in 2 tracks: Clinical & Research, or Community & Public Health. Posters will be displayed throughout the Conference, poster presenters must be present for both days of conference. Check out our Information Sheet, and complete and submit the Application form for review and acceptance. Submit your completed application to Sharon @ schesna0415@gmail.com.
January 1, 2025: New York becomes the first state in the in the nation to offer paid time off for prenatal care or any medical care related to pregnancy.
Under this new policy, any privately-employed pregnant New Yorker will be able to receive an additional 20 hours of paid sick leave for prenatal care in addition to their existing sick leave, ensuring they can receive the care they need without putting their employment at risk. Watch a message about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pJqrK8Om6c.